Thursday, January 3, 2019

Leaders Add Value

If you are a leader, your function is to enable the people you lead to achieve goals that are important to them. That means personal goals as well as organization objectives. Too many so-called leaders are disablers, rather than enablers. They rule rather than lead. You should ask yourself, "In what ways do I help my people achieve their goals? How do I add value for them?"

Vance Packard defined leadership as "the art of getting others to want to do something you feel should be done." The operative word in this is WANT. It can be really difficult to get people to want to do something that seems unimportant or valueless to them. On the other hand, you don't need to exert much influence to get people to do something they see as important and useful.

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Be Better than the Rest

Leading isn't just about getting others to follow you. It's also about doing everything you do just a bit better than everyone els...